Tobago Woodpecker


Tobago Pigeon Point, Mot Mot and Tobagonian

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Tobago general information and weather details

CAPITAL: Scarborough.
AIRPORT: Crown Point Airport.
LANGUAGE: English.
CURRENCY: Trinidad & Tobago dollar (TT$). Credit cards accepted by many hotels and some shops and restaurants.
VISAS: Visas are not usually necessary for British passport holders.
VACCINATIONS: No compulsory vaccinations, however, Hepatitis A, Polio and Typhoid are recommended.
TIME ZONE: GMT - 4 hours.

                                 Tobago road map     Street map

Most people think of  Tobago  as the inspiration for Daniel Defoe's classic novel  "Robinson Crusoe", and sure enough, it is 26 miles by  7 miles  of  text book  tropical  paradise,  with a scurvy bunch of pirates  thrown  in for good measure, only in this case they are not  robbing  pirates,  but  "Pleasure  Pirates",  and  for me, every time I  think  back  to Tobago,    I  think  of our first evening at the Toucan Inn, listening enraptured to the  topical calypso ballads of this talented quartet. We  heard them  several more times around Tobago as we filmed from hotel to hotel,  and their blend of gentle fun making and satirical lyrics are atypical of the Island's gentle peoples that made our stay on Tobago so special.



Beautiful beaches   Amazing marine life   Wonderful birds

Thickly  forested,  mountainous interior,  fine sandy  beaches and hidden coves on  the coast, spectacular coral reefs and world class bird-watching to rival any other Island in the world, who could ask for more in a destination. What's more, tourism is not well developed here so life is slow in the Island. If you are looking for a down side I can't help you.( unless you consider shopping  and night clubs essential.) I am sure it will come,  but for now Tobago is reminiscent of the un-spoilt  Caribbean of  twenty  years  ago,  and  the  Island's  simple friendly charm,  and abundant natural beauty will win over any and all newcomers to this fabulous Island.


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